How to Get the Log in Clash Royale, You Can Do It

How to Get the Log in Clash Royale, You Can Do It

How to Get the Log in Clash Royale - Clash Royale players must have often heard about log, this is something very big and can help you win. That's why players want to get the log in Clash Royale.

Log is a legendary card that is rarely owned, it has the appearance of a tree trunk. Even so, but log have tremendous power and that makes them included in the category of legendary card Clash Royale.

If you want to survive from opponents who attack using ground troops, the solution is to use log. This will force the ground troops that will attack you to be pushed back so they can't touch you at all.

Since the appearance of the legendary card Clash Royale or log, how to get the log in Clash Royale has become quite a trending question. How not, all ground troops in Clash Royale can be overcome with just log.

So do you really want to get the log in Clash Royale? If so, you can immediately see how to get the log in Clash Royale in the following article.

How to Get the Log in Clash Royale

Not all players can get the log in Clash Royale because this legendary card is hard to get. The only way is to fill your gems and open some chests like legendary chests, super magic chests and other chests.

Besides opening chests, you can also try to be in 3000 trophies. After that go to the store and buy log, but if the log still don't appear, you have to check the store regularly because the log might appear suddenly.

For other ways to get the log in Clash Royale, try to get to the top of arena 4. But if you're still below arena 6, you can get the log in the legendary chest.

One more thing that is interesting is that if you are above arena 6 then open any type of chest because you will definitely get a log when you are above arena 6.

That's how to get the log in Clash Royale. Granted they all have very little chance but that doesn't mean you can't get the log. With maximum effort, you can definitely get the log in Clash Royale.
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