How to Pause Boost in COC, Pay Attention to This
How to Pause Boost in COC - Pause boost in COC or Clash Of Clans is an activity where you can stop the speed boost that is running. This will be more useful than you wasting a lot of time boosting the COC for free.
Boost in COC can be done on anything that requires speed, such as training, army and others. You can imagine how long it will take to train in COC if you don't use boost.
But if you've used boost in Clash Of Clans, it's a good idea to save money or use it if needed, namely by pausing boost in Clash Of Clans. So later you can continue to boost again if you really need it.
But you have to understand about stop boost, pause training or pause army because sometimes what you want is not achieved. For that, let's see how to pause boost in coc, hopefully this can make you understand.
How to Pause Boost in COC
To be honest, until now Clash Of Clans does not have a feature to pause boost in coc. It will happen automatically once the server maintenance has arrived, after which you can resume it without worrying about the boost time being reduced.
To continue the pause boost in Clash Of Clans which stopped due to server maintenance, do it manually. In addition, whatever you are increasing the time will also stop.
For example, if you have stop boost, pause training or pause army, then activate the boost again so that it can run like the beginning. On the other hand, if you want this then wait for the server maintenance time to start.
So now you know that there is no way to pause boost in coc, it's not just speech. If you don't believe me, go to the Clash Of Clans Support Maintenance Breaks website and read all the explanations there.