Who is the Strongest Fighter in Mobile Legends, Very GG

Who is the Strongest Fighter in Mobile Legends, Very GG

Who is the Strongest Fighter in Mobile Legends - Fighter is a hero who has a defense similar to a tank, usually he will advance further behind than other heroes. Besides that, not all fighters are strong but there are only some of the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends.

Usually the strongest fighter in ml is used by many players to play in rank mode because as we know that in rank mode it is not an ordinary mode but we have to play seriously to get victory.

The strongest fighter in mlbb also appears based on the current meta, so it wasn't mentioned on purpose. Meta is important to know which heroes are strong for now, including the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends.

Well, for that, here I will try to give some lists of who is the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends, so with this you can play with these heroes.

Who is the Strongest Fighter in Mobile Legends 2022

1. Yin
Since his appearance he is still the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends until now. Besides being strong, he also has the skill to escape so it will be difficult to beat.

2. Dyroth
Dyroth is also the strongest fighter in mlbb, actually dyroth has long been the strongest fighter in ml but not many people know and Moonton also doesn't nerf the hero.

3. Aulus
Even though Aulus is in the fighter role, he is often used as a core hero by many players because he has a lot of damage. If you are a core or midlaner, there is no harm in trying to use aulus.

4. Yu Zhong
The next who is the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends 2022 is yu zhong, with enough lifesteal to make opponents run, he becomes the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends that is hard to beat.

5. Thamuz
Still in lifesteal, namely thamuz, where thamuz is the same as yu zhong, dyroth and other heroes who have lifesteal because there is no doubt that the average strongest fighter in ml has a high lifesteal.

6. Lapu-Lapu
Lapu-lapu is also included in the list of the strongest fighter in mlbb because the cellphone he has is quite thick so it feels very strong when you attack him. What's more it has absorb in a few seconds, of course it will make it stronger.

7. Hilda
Hilda is a suitable answer to the question of who is the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends but not all players know. If you use Hilda for team war then that will be a very good thing.

You can also read Who is the Strongest Hero in Mobile Legends which I wrote some time ago.

Ok, so now of course you already know who is the strongest fighter in ml 2022. Hopefully the article on who is the strongest fighter in Mobile Legends 2022 can be used as knowledge.
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