SS Meaning in Mobile Legends, You Will Know It

SS Meaning in Mobile Legends, You Will Know It

SS Meaning in Mobile Legends - It is natural that in a game there are terms that have never been known by some players, one of the terms currently being asked is the ss meaning in Mobile Legends or mlbb.

Actually, this term does not only exist in the Mobile Legends game, but also in other MOBA games. But right now what makes people curious is the ss meaning in mlbb, where the term is a new term so not many players know it.

The term ss in Mobile Legends includes the skills each hero has and how the player can operate the hero. If the player already understands the skills on the hero he is using, you will know the ss in ml.

Then what does ss mean in Mobile Legends?

For those of you new players or old players who still don't understand the ss meaning in mlbb, let's see what ss meaning in Mobile Legends.

SS Meaning in Mobile Legends

SS in Mobile Legends stands for Special Skill. Special Skills are used when you use a certain hero, that's where the hero must have Special Skills such as combo skills, passive skills and others.

Of course this includes in matches, for example if your friends ask you to issue SS or Special Skills in Mobile Legends then use the combo of the heroes you use to attack your opponent.

Every hero must have a Special Skill that can be used for certain things such as attacking opponents, turrets, jungle monsters or even protecting teammates. So never forget ss in mlbb because this is part of the game strategy.

That's the ss meaning in Mobile Legends. Now you don't need to ask anymore about it, it's better to practice to understand the Special Skills of each hero because that's the key to victory.
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