How to Recharge in ML Using Load 2022, Very Fast

How to Recharge in ML Using Load 2022, Very Fast

How to Recharge in ML Using Load 2022 - Sometimes some people need diamonds so they can buy the items they like. If that person buys diamonds in ml it is the same as recharge in ml.

But to be able to recharge, there are various ways, one example of the method that will be discussed this time is how to recharge in ml using load 2022. Many people have done it, besides that this method can be said to be easy, fast and simple.

Of course, this is done through the intermediary of a website that is none other than CodaShop.

Actually there are many other sites that you can use to recharge in ml using load tnt, but it would be even better if you use CodaShop because the website is already big and well known.

Okay, maybe you can't wait and want to know how to recharge in ml using load 2022 as soon as possible, let's see the steps below.

How to Recharge in ML Using Load 2022

1. Go to the CodaShop website.

2. There you have to select the Mobile Legends logo.

3. Enter or fill in the User ID and Zone ID fields according to your ml account.

4. Select the diamond in the Choose Category section of Select Recharge.

5. Select the number of diamonds you want to buy or recharge in the Select Item section of Select Recharge.

6. For the Select Payment section, tap Smart TNT.

7. Fill in the email in the Buy column, this email will be used for proof of diamond purchase or proof that you have recharge in ml using load tnt.

8. Finally, tap Buy Now.

This looks really easy right? But there is one thing you must remember that make sure your load balance is sufficient to be able to recharge in ml using load. If not, you can top up your balance first.

The process of recharge in ml using load tnt can be said to be very fast. Once you press the Buy Now button, a purchase email will be sent automatically.

That's how to recharge in ml using load 2022. Not much different from other methods, it's just that you choose a different payment method.
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